Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A True Cover Girls Legacy

Hey everybody. It's me Myra

My post this week is about a black filly. I saw her years ago when we had first started getting into horses. She was born on VanBert Farms and her owner was a young man by the name of Derick Tipton.  I was there the day she was born, as was Paula Morgan another VanBert client at that time. 

They took us to see the new babies and there she was. She was the prettiest baby I had ever seen. She was little with spidery long legs. I loved her at first sight. As we all ate lunch together I couldn't believe no one else said much about her. I was scared to death Paula was going to buy her. 

For three and a half months I kept making offers to Derick but could never buy her. Finally, Derick decided he wanted his Uncle Jimmy's pickup truck so I was able to buy this filly.  She became an UMH and RMH CHAMPION...Dr. Dan asked to use her picture in his ads and on his mineral bags because she was black a color common to many breeds.  That was such an honor. She was a true Cover Girl.
By now you have probably guessed this filly was Fair Warning, the mare we lost last year. This post is dedicated to her and to her only son FairWinds Poker Face. Poker is like his mama not a big horse but with a huge heart. And like his mama a park horse.  He will be at the UMH World Show and the RMHA International and like Fair Warning trying for the biggest honors. I won't be able to be there to see him at the World Show.  But before I left we had a visit in his stall (yes he is the sweetest stallion ever) as he laid his head against me, I wished him all the luck to become the next Park World Grand Champion but told him whatever happened I knew he was the bestest.  After all he is the Sire-To-Be of my favorite mare (Stormy) next spring.  I have requested from both a filly, name is picked out and she will look like her grandma Fair Warning.

I would like to thank--

Derick Tipton for selling me Fair Warning and showing her to her Championships both in-hand and under-saddle.  And a huge thank you to Mikie Bowen for getting Poker Face back home to FairWinds. You see when I lost Fair Warning someone had bought Poker.  I will always be grateful to Mikie for buying him back to keep him home at FairWinds...and to Lori and Gary for working with him to let this happen.                                                                                               

There is a tremendous bond between those two (Mikie and Poker) and it is much deeper than show horse and trainer.  You can see it in the day to day life at the farm, whether while being ridden, bred, or just being led to a paddock Poker is always trying to please Mikie and you can see the pride in Mikie's face when he is working with this young stallion.

On Saturday night...while I am coming home from Oregon where Quarter horses and cowboys reign, my heart will be at the Kentucky Equestrian Center in Clark County, Ky., with the best breed of horse--the RMHorse...where my favorite son- in-law will be riding to win on a stallion that is bred to "Bring Home The Blue"!!  No matter the outcome...in my heart, you are both the best and I love you.  GOOD LUCK--GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT:))

If any of you fans out there are looking for someone to cheer for---YELL for Mikie and Poker and you KNOW I mean LOUD...Like Me.  And as you are yelling let your heart soar... and you will see in the front of that young team a beautiful Black Mare...Thank you.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Myra's cooking up in flames!

Hey y'all, it's Julie

Well folks, mom and dad have done it now; Saturday mom was cooking and caught the kitchen on fire!!! Dad, being the hero he is, sprung into action, grabbed the fire extinguisher and went at it!!! Vigorously! He destroyed that grease fire, and the house in his mission! Mom called and told me all about the mess a fire extinguisher makes...well duh, that's why u throw Baking Soda or Powder on it!! I went and checked it out Monday, after she had been cleaning it all day, and man, was it a wreck. The ceiling was scorched, every surface had a layer of white dust on it, and even the carpet upstairs was black! This was one of those times your thankful you pay for insurance. The insurance agent came out and now mom is getting the whole house painted, all the clothes are going to the dry cleaners, new blinds, new flooring, new fans, and every piece of furniture, and decoration is being cleaned!!!  Since all this is getting done, I think the grease fire was a blessing in disguise.

As an added bonus, all Mikie and my show clothes are being moved to my air-conditioned basement! They've been housed upstairs in my brothers closet...mom and dad don't run the ac up there, so putting our habits together in a hot closet always makes for some tension and hurrying to get the heck out of there!

The Lord works in mysterious ways, He makes a bad situation a blessing! His love knows no bounds!

Tune in next Tuesday, for our regularly scheduled program.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Mouse in the House!!


I finally get to write and tell the world what a true hero I am.

We had a mouse in the house. Yes, you heard me, “a mouse in the house” and we have a CAT in the basement (Cletus)!!!  So, we set a big trap and also let Cletus out in the house (such a slug!).  Well, one morning we got up and Cletus had the mouse, playing with it.  Good dogs that we are, we all went outside, came in, and stayed with Bruce...WELL...

Myra got up, came in, saw the mouse, Bruce said, “Don’t bother anything, Cletus is going to kill the mouse...”

HELLO!!  Playing with the mouse is not killing the mouse.

SOOOOO-Long story short...When the mouse tried to get up in the sofa cushions they called in the NAVY SEAL (that being Me) and all I gotta say is MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!


Okay people, hold on a minute...This is Cletus, the cat.  I would just like for everyone to know, I AM NOT A SLUG!  I am a muscular, strong, panther type of kitty.  And I was not playing with that mouse, I was using a secret form of torture known only to special kitties. 

That mouse was ready to spill his guts (in more ways than one).  He was gonna rat out where his mouse army was, then stealth cat that I am I was going to attack the mouse colony and wipe the whole tribe out.  BUT OH NO, here comes that smart mouthed little white dog and messes up my whole plan (and even called me a slug)!

WHOA Lizzie I will get you for this...MY Pretty!